O que o café e a saúde têm em comum?
Ambos trazem mais VIGOR, ENERGIA e POTÊNCIA para o dia a dia e deixam a vida ainda mais prazerosa!
Os Cafés Bron Coffe são a perfeita união entre sabor e saúde!
Considerado nutracêutico, os cafés Bron Coffee possuem até 70% a mais de antioxidantes do que os cafés tradicionais. Seu principal composto bioativo é o ácido clorogênico, que é cientificamente comprovado como benéfico para a prevenção e tratamento de várias doenças.
Selecionamos para você alguns artigos científicos sobre o café especial e seus benefícios para a saúde. Confira aqui:
Artigo n°1
From Plantation to Cup: Changes in Bioactive Compounds during Coffee Processing
Artigo n°2
Neuroprotective Effects of Coffee Bioactive Compounds: A Review
Artigo n°3
Coffee capsules: implications in antioxidant activity, bioactive compounds, and aluminum content
Artigo n°4
Human exposure to aluminium
Artigo n°5
Antioxidant and Antiradical Activity of Coffee
Artigo n°6
Assessing polyphenols content and antioxidant activity in coffee beans according to origin and the degree of roasting
Artigo n°7
Effect of the roasting levels of Coffea arabica L. extracts on their potential antioxidant capacity and antiproliferative activity in human prostate cancer cells
Artigo n°8
The Examination of the Influence of Caffeinated Coffee Consumption on the Concentrations of Serum Prolactin and Selected Parameters of the Oxidative-Antioxidant Balance in Young Adults: A Preliminary Report
Artigo n°9
Coffee Consumption and Oxidative Stress: A Review of Human Intervention Studies
Artigo n°10
Comparative study of polyphenols and caffeine in different coffee varieties affected by the degree of roasting
Artigo n°11
Coffee variety, origin and extraction procedure: Implications for coffee beneficial effects on human health
Artigo n°12
Antioxidant capacity of coffees of several origins brewed following three different procedures
Artigo n°13
Coffee brews as food matrices for delivering probiotics: Opportunities, challenges, and potential health benefits
Artigo n°14
Phthalates and heavy metals as endocrine disruptors in food: A study on pre-packed coffee products